We believe being connected to a House Church is essential to healthy spiritual growth. Please feel free to sample the House Churches below and find a place where you feel you can connect, grow and serve.

HOUSE CHURCHES: We have multiple house churches that meet through out the week. Contact the facilitator for more info.

MONDAY Murrieta House Church:  Meets every Monday @ 6:00 pm, in Murrieta. Facilitator: Tim Zanin [email protected] (951)-852-8289

MONDAY Murrieta Southeast House Church: Meets weekly, 7 pm  in Murrieta. Facilitators: Allan & Jessica Jimenez ([email protected]; (951) 837-1575)

WEDNESDAY Temecula House Church: ON BREAK FOR SUMMERMeets weekly at 6:00 pm, here at The Springs, with childcare, during youth group (in classrooms) Open to anyone. Weekly potluck dinner. Facilitators: John and Deanna Carroll ([email protected]; (951) 795-9894)

THURSDAY Menifee House Church, Meets weekly, 6:30-8 pm in Menifee. Facilitators: Steve & Christine Johnsons ([email protected]; (951) 704-0745)